четверг, 19 января 2017 г.

Testimonials for Power Bodybuilding

Testimonials for Power Bodybuilding
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12 Weeks of Workouts

Want to get big, strong, and cut? Part bodybuilding, part powerlifting, Mike O'Hearn's "power bodybuilding" concept builds muscle and strength at the same time.


Every four weeks, you'll systematically increase the weight you use on your main lifts. This is how you get strong. You'll also do just enough accessory work to lift the part!

video workout

The major workouts in Power Bodybuilding all come with a comprehensive video breaking down Mike's personal technique and favorite tips.


This is world-class training, so you need to take your nutrition deadly serious. Here's how he eats and what he takes!

Original article and pictures take www.bodybuilding.com site

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