вторник, 1 августа 2017 г.

Top 30 Quotes about Strength you should always remember

Top 30 Quotes about Strength you should always remember


1. Nothing is impossible; the word itself says I’m possible. – Audrey Hepburn.

2. A man who can conquer himself, there is little that can withstand him. – Louis XIV

3. Winning is not all about winning. Your strengths come by your struggles. Strength is when you go through hardship and say no retreat.- Arnold Schwarzenegger

4. Unity is strength. Working together as team then amazing things will be done or be achieved. – Mattie Stepanek

5. Continuous effort is not intelligence or strength but it’s the key to open our potential. – Winston Churchill.

6. A truly strong person is who need no approval from others any more than a lion wants the approval of a sheep. – Vernon Howard

7. The greatest people I’ve known are those who have went through trials, loss, struggles and found their way out of the depths. – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

8. Fall down seven times get up eight. – Japanese Proverb

9. The weak can never forgive. The characters of the strong are forgiveness. –Mahatma Gandhi

10. The weak fall but the strong will remain and never go down. –Anne frank.

Here are few quotes about strength on images

May they be a source of strength for you, remember to share the best one’s with your friends and buddies

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Top 30 Quotes about Strength you should always remember

Original article and pictures take quoteswords.com site

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